Продукти за левски черно море (4)

303-LSKU Quick 202D Съединител за запояване - Технически Устройства

303-LSKU Quick 202D Съединител за запояване - Технически Устройства

Battery Cycle Count A typical cell phone battery goes through approximately 500 cycles before retaining at least 80% of its original capacity. Made from new materials, our batteries have zero cycles, ensuring the maximum number of cycles you can use. Zero Cycle Count, so you have the maximum amount of cycles remaining. Lithium-Ion Polymer technological materials Strict QC test Less than 1% failure rate 12 Months Warranty
80 Градуса Аква Колоня 150 мл

80 Градуса Аква Колоня 150 мл

Agarta Aqua cologne (80 degrees) is one of the most preferred cosmetic products not only for its relaxing and cooling effect, but also for protecting us from microbes during the pandemic period. UPC:AGK-86965444
Biyorem OilSorb

Biyorem OilSorb

KULLANIM ALANLARI Biyorem Oilsorb ile sert zeminlerde petrol, yağ ve dizel döküntülerini absorbe etmek için tasarlanmıştır. Ayrıca hayvansal, bitkisel, mineral ve sentetik yağlar ile yağ bazlı boyaları absorbe etmek için de kullanılır. ✓ Trafik kazası sonrası yola yayılan yağ ve petrol temizliği ✓ Makine ikmal (İş makinesi, araç bakım atölyeleri) ✓ Sanayi tesisleri ✓ Belediyeler ✓ Petrol istasyonları ✓ Limanlar ✓ Havaalanları ✓ Hayvan Barınakları ✓ Mezbahalar UYGULAMA YÖNTEMİ Döküntü alanı üzerine ve etrafına ürün serpilir ve zemin kuruyana kadar ileri geri hareketlerle süpürülür. Sonra hiçbir artık kalmayacak şekilde tüm absorban zeminden süpürülerek alınır. İkinci kez deterjan veya çözücüyle yıkamaya gerek kalmaz. Tek adımda film tabakası bırakmadan kuru temizlik sağlar.
Лавандулово масло

Лавандулово масло

The raw material for obtaining lavender essential oil is inflorescence with a peduncle no longer than 10 cm. We cut them during the period of mass flowering 10-12 days after the beginning of flowering. We cut them off in calm and dry weather, since in the rain and during a strong wind the oil yield decreases sharply. We process raw materials immediately after harvesting fresh. Essential oil is obtained by hydrodistillation, that is, distilled with water vapor. The health benefits of lavender essential oil are its ability to eliminate nervous tension, relieve pain, disinfect skin, improve blood circulation and treat respiratory diseases. Also lavender essential oil is used in the manufacture of perfumes and many aromatic preparations and their combinations. You can buy lavender oil directly from producer. We sell lavander oil, which is directly produced by Scentwind.